• Segregation of components

    M.A.504 M.A.504(a) Unserviceable and unsalvageable components (a) Unserviceable and unsalvageable components shall be segregated from serviceable components, standards parts and materials. M.A.504(b) Unsalvageable components (b) Unsalvageable components shall not be permitted to re-enter the component supply system unless the mandatory life limitation has been extended or a repair solution has…

  • Life-limited parts and time-controlled components

    M.A.503 M.A.503(a) Component life limit (a) Installed life-limited parts and time-controlled components shall not exceed the approved limitation as specified in the AMP and ADs, except as provided for in point M.A.504(b). M.A.503(b) Component life limit expiration (b) When the approved limitation expires, the component shall be removed from the…

  • Component maintenance

    M.A.502 M.A.502(a) Responsibilities component maintenance The maintenance of components other than the components referred to in points (b)(2) to (b)(6) of point 21.A.307 of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 shall be performed by maintenance organisations approved in accordance with Subpart F of this Annex or with…

  • Classification and installation (components)

    M.A.501 M.A.501(a) Components classification (a) All components shall be classified into the following categories: (1) Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on an EASA Form 1 or equivalent and marked in accordance with Subpart Q of Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, unless otherwise specified…

  • Aircraft defects

    M.A.403 M.A.403(a) Defect rectification (a) Any aircraft defect that hazards seriously the flight safety shall be rectified before further flight. M.A.403(b) Responsibilities (b) Only the authorised certifying staff, according to points M.A.801(b)1, M.A.801(b)2, M.A.801(c), M.A.801(d) or Annex II (Part-145) can decide, using M.A.401 maintenance data, whether an aircraft defect hazards…

  • Performance of maintenance

    M.A.402 Except for maintenance performed by a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145), any person or organisation performing maintenance shall: M.A.401(a) (a) be qualified for the tasks performed, as required by this part; AMC M.A.402(a) Certificate of release to service (CRS) 1. Maintenance should be performed by…

  • Maintenance data

    M.A.401 M.A.401(a) Access to maintenance data (a) The person or organisation maintaining an aircraft shall have access to and use only applicable current maintenance data in the performance of maintenance including modifications and repairs. M.A.401(b) Applicable maintenance data (b) For the purposes of this Part, applicable maintenance data is any…

  • Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records

    M.A.307 M.A.307(a) Responsibilities (a) When an aircraft is permanently transferred from one owner or operator to another, the transferring owner or operator shall ensure that the continuing airworthiness records referred to in point M.A.305 and, if applicable the technical log system referred to in point M.A.306, are also transferred. AMC…

  • Aircraft technical log system

    M.A.306 M.A.306(a) Contents (a) In addition to the requirements of point M.A.305, for CAT, commercial specialised operations and commercial ATO or commercial DTO operations, the operator shall use a technical log system containing the following information for each aircraft: 1. information about each flight, necessary to ensure continued flight safety,…

  • Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system

    M.A.305 M.A.305(a) Certificate of release to service (a) At the completion of any maintenance, aircraft certificate of release to service (‘CRS’) required by point M.A.801 or point 145.A.50, as applicable, shall be entered in the aircraft continuing airworthiness record system, as soon as practicable and no later than 30 days…