• Equipment and tools

    145.A.40 145.A.40(a) Availability of equipment and tools (a) The organisation shall have available and use the necessary equipment and tools to perform the approved scope of work. (i) Where the manufacturer specifies a particular tool or equipment, the organisation shall use that tool or equipment, unless the use of alternative…

  • Records of airworthiness review staff

    145.A.36 The organisation shall record all details concerning the airworthiness review staff and maintain a current list of all the airworthiness review staff together with their scope of approval as part of the organisation’s exposition pursuant to point 145.A.70(a)6. The organisation shall retain the record for at least three years…

  • Certifying staff and support staff

    145.A.35 145.A.35(a) Definitions (a) In addition to the requirements of points 145.A.30(g) and (h), the organisation shall ensure that certifying staff and support staff have an adequate understanding of the relevant aircraft or components, or both, to be maintained and of the associated organisation procedures. In the case of certifying…

  • Personnel requirements

    145.A.30 145.A.30(a) Accountable manager The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried out to the standard required by this Part. The accountable manager shall: 1. ensure that all necessary resources are available to…

  • Facility requirements

    145.A.25 The organisation shall ensure that: 145.A.25(a) General requirements (a) Facilities are provided appropriate for all planned work, ensuring in particular, protection from the weather elements. Specialised workshops and bays are segregated as appropriate, to ensure that environmental and work area contamination is unlikely to occur. 1. For base maintenance…

  • Terms of approval

    145.A.20 The organisation shall specify the scope of work deemed to constitute approval in its exposition (Appendix IV to Annex I (Part-M) contains a table of all classes and ratings). AMC 145.A.20 Terms of approval The following table identifies the ATA Specification 2200 chapter for the category C component rating….

  • Application

    145.A.15 An application for the issue or change of an approval shall be made to the competent authority in a form and manner established by such authority. AMC 145.A.15 In a form and in a manner established by the competent authority means that the application should be made on an…

  • Scope Part-145

    145.A.10 This Section establishes the requirements to be met by an organisation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an approval for the maintenance of aircraft and components. AMC 145.A.10 Scope (a) ‘Line maintenance’ refers to limited maintenance for the aircraft suitable to be carried out whilst the aircraft…

  • Findings

    M.B.903 If during aircraft surveys or by other means evidence is found showing non-compliance to a Part-M requirement, the competent authority shall take the following actions: for level 1 findings, the competent authority shall require appropriate corrective action to be taken before further flight and immediate action shall be taken…

  • Airworthiness review by the competent authority

    M.B.902 (a) When the competent authority carries out the airworthiness review and issues the airworthiness review certificate (Appendix III (EASA Form 15a) to this Annex), the competent authority shall carry out an airworthiness review in accordance with point M.A.901. (b) The competent authority shall have appropriate airworthiness review staff to…