The organisation shall specify the scope of work deemed to constitute approval in its exposition (Appendix IV to Annex I (Part-M) contains a table of all classes and ratings).
AMC 145.A.20 Terms of approval
The following table identifies the ATA Specification 2200 chapter for the category C component rating. If the maintenance manual (or equivalent document) does not follow the ATA Chapters, the corresponding subjects still apply to the applicable C rating.
Appendix IV- Class and ratings to be used for the approval of maintenance organizations referred to Annex II (Part-145)
1. Except as stated otherwise for the smallest organisations in point 12, the table referred to in point 13 provides the standard system for the approval of maintenance organisation under Subpart F of Annex I (Part-M) and Annex II (Part-145). An organisation must be granted an approval ranging from a single class and rating with limitations to all classes and ratings with limitations.
2. In addition to the table referred to in point 13, the approved maintenance organisation is required to indicate its scope of work in its maintenance organisation manual/exposition. See also point 11.
3. Within the approval class(es) and rating(s) granted by the competent authority, the scope of work specified in the maintenance organisation exposition defines the exact limits of approval. It is therefore essential that the approval class(es) and rating(s) and the organisations scope of work are matching.
4. A category A class rating means that the approved maintenance organisation may carry out maintenance on the aircraft and any component (including engines and/or Auxiliary Power Units (APUs), in accordance with aircraft maintenance data or, if agreed by the competent authority, in accordance with component maintenance data, only whilst such components are fitted to the aircraft. Nevertheless, such A-rated approved maintenance organisation may temporarily remove a component for maintenance, in order to improve access to that component, except when such removal generates the need for additional maintenance not eligible for the provisions of this point. This will be subject to a control procedure in the maintenance organisation exposition to be approved by the competent authority. The limitation section will specify the scope of such maintenance thereby indicating the extent of approval.
5. A category B class rating means that the approved maintenance organisation may carry out maintenance on the uninstalled engine and/or APU and engine and/or APU components, in accordance with engine and/or APU maintenance data or, if agreed by the competent authority, in accordance with component maintenance data, only whilst such components are fitted to the engine and/or APU. Nevertheless, such B-rated approved maintenance organisation may temporarily remove a component for maintenance, in order to improve access to that component, except when such removal generates the need for additional maintenance not eligible for the provisions of this point. The limitation section will specify the scope of such maintenance thereby indicating the extent of approval. A maintenance organisation approved with a category B class rating may also carry out maintenance on an installed engine during ‘base’ and ‘line’ maintenance subject to a control procedure in the maintenance organisation exposition to be approved by the competent authority. The maintenance organisation exposition scope of work shall reflect such activity where permitted by the competent authority.
6. A category C class rating means that the approved maintenance organisation may carry out maintenance on uninstalled components (excluding engines and APUs) intended for fitment to the aircraft or engine/APU. The limitation section will specify the scope of such maintenance thereby indicating the extent of approval. A maintenance organisation approved with a category C class rating may also carry out maintenance on an installed component during base and line maintenance or at an engine/APU maintenance facility subject to a control procedure in the maintenance organisation exposition to be approved by the competent authority. The maintenance organisation exposition scope of work shall reflect such activity where permitted by the competent authority.
7. A category D class rating is a self contained class rating not necessarily related to a specific aircraft, engine or other component. The D1 — Non Destructive Testing (NDT) rating is only necessary for an approved maintenance organisation that carries out NDT as a particular task for another organisation. A maintenance organisation approved with a class rating in A or B or C category may carry out NDT on products it is maintaining subject to the maintenance organisation exposition containing NDT procedures, without the need for a D1 class rating.
8. In the case of maintenance organisations approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145), category A class ratings are subdivided into ‘Base’ or ‘Line’ maintenance. Such an organisation may be approved for either ‘Base’ or ‘Line’ maintenance or both. It should be noted that a ‘Line’ facility located at a main base facility requires a ‘Line’ maintenance approval.
9. The limitation section is intended to give the competent authorities the flexibility to customise the approval to any particular organisation. Ratings shall be mentioned on the approval only when appropriately limited. The table referred to in point 13 specifies the types of limitation possible. Whilst maintenance is listed last in each class rating it is acceptable to stress the maintenance task rather than the aircraft or engine type or manufacturer, if this is more appropriate to the organisation (an example could be avionic systems installations and related maintenance). Such mention in the limitation section indicates that the maintenance organisation is approved to carry out maintenance up to and including this particular type/task.
10. When reference is made to series, type and group in the limitation section of class A and B, series means a specific type series such as Airbus 300 or 310 or 319 or Boeing 737-300 series or RB211-524 series or Cessna 150 or Cessna 172 or Beech 55 series or continental O-200 series etc; type means a specific type or model such as Airbus 310-240 type or RB 211-524 B4 type or Cessna 172RG type; any number of series or types may be quoted; group means for example Cessna single piston engine aircraft or Lycoming non-supercharged piston engines etc.
11. When a lengthy capability list is used which could be subject to frequent amendment, then such amendment may be in accordance with the indirect approval procedure referred to in points M.A.604(c) and M.B.606(c) or 145.A.70(c) and 145.B.40, as applicable.
12. A maintenance organisation which employs only one person to both plan and carry out all maintenance can only hold a limited scope of approval rating. The maximum permissible limits are:
It should be noted that such an organisation may be further limited by the competent authority in the scope of approval dependent upon the capability of the particular organisation.
13. Table