
(a) Applicants for the issue of an STI certificate shall:

(1) hold, or have held within the 3 years prior to the application, a pilot licence and instructional privileges appropriate to the courses on which instruction is intended.

(2) have completed in an FSTD the relevant proficiency check for the class or type rating, in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application.

(b) Additionally to the requirements laid down in point (a), applicants for the issue of an STI(H) certificate shall have completed at least 1 hour of flight time as an observer on the flight deckof the applicable type of helicopter, in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application.


Restricted privileges

The privileges of STIs shall be restricted to the FSTD in which the STI training course was taken.

The privileges may be extended to other FSTDs representing further types of aircraft if in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application the holders have:

(a) completed the FSTD content of the CRI or TRI course on the class or type of aircraft for which instructional privileges are sought.

(b) passed in the FSTD on which flight instruction is to be conducted, the applicable section of the proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex for the appropriate class or type of aircraft.

(c) conducted, on a CPL, an IR, a PPL or a class or type rating course, at least 3 hours of flight instruction under the supervision of an FI, a CRI(A), an IRI or a TRI nominated by the ATO for this purpose, including at least 1 hour of flight instruction that is supervised by an FIE in the appropriate aircraft category.


Privileges and conditions

(a) The privileges of an STI are to carry out synthetic flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category for:

(1) the issue of a licence.

(2) the issue, revalidation or renewal of an IR and a class or type rating for single-pilot aircraft, except for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes.


Revalidation and renewal


To revalidate an STI certificate, applicants shall, within the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the STI certificate, comply with all of the following conditions:

(1) have conducted at least 3 hours of flight instruction in an FSTD, as part of a complete CPL, IR, PPL or class or type rating course.

(2) have passed in the FSTD on which flight instruction is conducted, the applicable sections of the proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex for the appropriate class or type of aircraft.


To renew STI certificate, the applicants shall within the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application for the renewal:

(1) complete a refresher training as an STI at an ATO.

(2) pass in the FSTD on which flight instruction is conducted, the applicable sections of the proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex for the appropriate class or type of aircraft.

(3) conduct, in the relevant aircraft category, on a complete CPL, IR, PPL or class or type rating course, at least 3 hours of flight instruction under the supervision of an FI, a CRI, an IRI or a TRI nominated by the ATO for this purpose, including at least 1 hour of flight instruction supervised by a flight instructor examiner (FIE).


Updated on 27/01/2021

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