CAMO.A.300(a) Contents
The organisation shall provide the competent authority with a CAME and, where applicable, any referenced associated manuals and procedures, containing all of the following information:
(1) a statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the organisation will at all times work in accordance with this Annex, Annex I (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, and with the approved CAME. When the accountable manager is not the chief executive officer of the organisation, then such chief executive officer shall countersign the statement;
AMC1 CAMO.A.300(a)(1) Accountable Manager statement
1. Part 0 ‘General organisation, safety policy and objectives’ of the CAME should include a statement, signed by the accountable manager (and countersigned by the chief executive officer, if different), confirming that the CAME and any associated manuals will be complied with at all times.
2. The accountable manager’s exposition statement as specified in point CAMO.A.300(a)(1) should embrace the intent of the following paragraph, and in fact, this statement may be used without amendment. Any amendment to the statement should not alter its intent:
‘This exposition and any associated referenced manuals define the organisation and procedures upon which the competent authority’s* CAMO approval is based.
These procedures are endorsed by the undersigned and must be complied with, as applicable, in order to ensure that all continuing airworthiness activities, including maintenance of the aircraft managed, are carried out on time to an approved standard.
These procedures do not override the necessity of complying with any new or amended regulation published from time to time where these new or amended regulations are in conflict with these procedures.
It is understood that the approval of the organisation is based on the continuous compliance of the organisation with Part-CAMO, Part-M and Part-ML, as applicable, and with the organisation’s procedures described in this exposition. The competent authority* is entitled to limit, suspend, or revoke the approval certificate if the organisation fails to fulfil the obligations imposed by Part-CAMO, Part-M and Part-ML, as applicable, or any conditions according to which the approval was issued.
In the case of air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, suspension or revocation of the CAMO certificate will invalidate the AOC.
Signed ……………………………….
Dated ………………………………..
Accountable manager and … (quote position) …
Chief Executive Officer …
For and on behalf of … (quote organisation’s name) … ’
*Where ‘competent authority’ is stated, please insert the actual name of the competent authority delivering the CAMO approval certificate or the air operator certificate.
3. Whenever the accountable manager is changed, it is important to ensure that the new accountable manager signs the paragraph 2 statement at the earliest opportunity.
(2) the organisation’s safety policy as defined in point (a)(2) of point CAMO.A.200;
(3) the organisation’s scope of work relevant to the terms of approval;
(4) a general description of the manpower resources and of the system in place to plan the availability of staff as required by point (d) of point CAMO.A.305;
(5) the title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in points (a)(3) to (a)(5), (b)(2) and (f) of point CAMO.A.305;
(6) the duties, accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities of the persons nominated under points (a)(3) to (a)(5), (b)(2), (e) and (f) of point CAMO.A.305;
(7) an organisation chart showing the associated chains of accountability and responsibility between all the person(s) referred to in points (a)(3) to (a)(5), (b)(2), (e) and (f) of point CAMO.A.305, and related to point (a)(1) of point CAMO.A.200;
(8) a list of staff authorised to issue airworthiness review certificates or recommendations referred to in point (e) of point CAMO.A.305, specifying, where applicable, the staff authorised to issue permits to fly in accordance with point (c) of point CAMO.A.125;
(9) a general description and location of the facilities;
(10) the description of the internal safety reporting scheme as required by point CAMO.A.202;
(11) the procedures specifying how the organisation ensures compliance with this Annex, Annex I (Part-M) and Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable, including in particular:
(i) the documentation of management system key processes as required by point CAMO.A.200;
(ii) procedures defining how the organisation controls any contracted and subcontracted activities as required by point CAMO.A.205 and point (c) of point CAMO.A.315);
(iii) continuing airworthiness management, airworthiness review and permit to fly procedures, as applicable;
(iv) the procedure defining the scope of changes not requiring prior approval and describing how such changes will be managed and notified, as required by point (b) of point CAMO.A.115 and point (c) of point CAMO.A.130;
(v) the CAME amendment procedures.
(12) the list of approved aircraft maintenance programmes for those aircraft for which a continuing airworthiness management contract exists in accordance with point M.A.201 or ML.A.201;
(13) the list of maintenance contracts in accordance with point (c) of point CAMO.A.315;
(14) the list of currently approved alternative means of compliance.
CAMO.A.300(b) Initial issue approval
The initial issue of the CAME shall be approved by the competent authority. It shall be amended as necessary to remain an up-to-date description of the organisation.
CAMO.A.300(c) Amendments
Amendments to the CAME shall be managed as defined in the procedures referred to in points (a)(11)(iv) and (a)(11)(v). Any amendments not included in the scope of the procedure referred to in point (a)(11)(iv), as well as amendments related to the changes listed in point CAMO.A.130(a), shall be approved by the competent authority.
AMC1 CAMO.A.300 CAME Table of contents
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 4B
Part 5
General organisation, safety policy and objectives
Safety policy, objectives and accountable manager statement
General information and scope of work
Management personnel
Management organisation chart
Procedure for changes requiring prior approval
Procedure for changes not requiring prior approval
Procedure for alternative means of compliance (AltMoC)
Continuing airworthiness management procedures
Use of aircraft continuing airworthiness record system and if applicable, aircraft technical log (ATL) system
MEL application
Aircraft maintenance programme (AMP) — development amendment and approval
Continuing airworthiness records: responsibilities, retention and access
Accomplishment and control of airworthiness directives
Analysis of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme(s)
Non-mandatory modification and inspections
Repairs and modifications
Defect reports
Engineering activity
Reliability programmes
Pre-flight inspections
Aircraft weighing
Maintenance check flight procedures
Management system procedures
Hazard identification and safety risk management schemes
Internal safety reporting and investigations
Safety action planning
Safety performance monitoring
Change management
Safety training and promotion
Immediate safety action and coordination with operator’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
Compliance monitoring
Audit plan and audit procedure
Monitoring of continuing airworthiness management activities
Monitoring of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme(s)
Monitoring that all maintenance is carried out by an appropriate maintenance organisation
Monitoring that all contracted maintenance is carried out in accordance with the contract, including subcontractors used by the maintenance contractor
Compliance monitoring personnel
Control of personnel competency
Management system record-keeping
Occurrence reporting
Contracted maintenance — management of maintenance
Maintenance contractor selection procedure
Product audit of aircraft
Airworthiness review procedures
Airworthiness review staff
Documented review of aircraft records
Physical survey
Additional procedures for recommendations to competent authorities for the import of aircraft
ARC recommendations to competent authorities
Issue of ARC
Airworthiness review records, responsibilities, retention and access
ARC extension
Permit to fly procedures
Conformity with approved flight conditions
Issue of the permit to fly under the CAMO privilege
Permit to fly authorised signatories
Interface with the local authority for the flight
Permit to fly records, responsibilities, retention and access
Supporting documents
Sample documents, including the template of the ATL system
List of airworthiness review staff
List of subcontractors as per point CAMO.A.125(d)(3)
List of contracted maintenance organisations and list of maintenance contracts as per point CAMO.A.300(a)(13)
Copy of contracts for subcontracted work (Appendix II to AMC1 CAMO.A.125(d)(3))
List of approved maintenance programme as per point CAMO.A.300(a)(12)
List of currently approved alternative means of compliance as per point CAMO.A.300(a)(13)
AMC2 CAMO.A.300 Responsiblities
(a) Personnel should be familiar with those parts of the continuing airworthiness management exposition that are relevant to their tasks.
(b) The CAMO should designate the person responsible for monitoring and amending the CAME, including associated procedure’s manuals, in accordance with point CAMO.A.300(c).
(c) The CAMO may use electronic data processing (EDP) for the publication of the CAME. Attention should be paid to the compatibility of the EDP systems with the necessary dissemination, both internally and externally, of the CAME.
GM1 CAMO.A.300 Scope
The purpose of the CAME is to:
— specify the scope of work and shows how the organisation intends to comply with this Annex; and
— provides all the necessary information and procedures for the personnel of the organisation to perform their duties.
Complying with its contents will ensure the organisation remains in compliance with Part-CAMO and, as applicable, Part-M and/or Part-ML.