• SFE(A)

    Prerequisites (a) SFE(A)Applicants for an SFE(A) certificate shall comply with all of the following conditions: (1) in the case of multi-pilot aeroplanes: (i) hold or have held an ATPL(A) and a type rating. (ii) an SFI(A) certificate for the applicable type of aeroplane and (iii) have at least 1500 hours…

  • Instrument Rating Extension, Validity, Revalidation and Renewal (H)

    Validity An IR shall be valid for 1 year. FCL.625 Extension of privileges from single-engine to multi-engine helicopters Holders of an IR(H) valid for single-engine helicopters wishing to extend for the first time the IR(H) to multi-engine helicopters shall complete: (a) a training course at an ATO comprising at least…

  • Instrument Rating Validity, Revalidation and Renewal (A)

    Validity An IR shall be valid for 1 year. FCL.625 Revalidation (1) An IR shall be revalidated within the 3 months immediately preceding its expiry date by complying with the revalidation criteria for the relevant aircraft category. (2) If applicants choose to fulfil the revalidation requirements earlier than prescribed in…

  • Validity and Renewal of Class and Type Ratings (H)

    Validity The validity period of class and type ratings shall be 1 year, except for single-pilot single-engine class ratings for which the validity period shall be 2 years, unless otherwise determined in the OSD. If pilots choose to fulfil the revalidation requirements earlier than prescribed in FCL.740.A, FCL.740.H, FCL.740.PL and…

  • Validity and Renewal of Class and Type Ratings (A)

    Validity The validity period of class and type ratings shall be 1 year, except for single-pilot single-engine class ratings for which the validity period shall be 2 years, unless otherwise determined in the OSD. If pilots choose to fulfil the revalidation requirements earlier than prescribed in FCL.740.A, FCL.740.H, FCL.740.PL and…